German paper described 'Albanian atrocities against Christians in Skopje' 1844

 A report from Skopje in the Bavarian press dating from 1844. The article describes atrocities committed by Albanians in the Skopje region.

Turkey - A correspondence of the Times from Constantinople on March 27 assures that the Russian envoy had in the note which he handed over in relation to the atrocities perpetrated by Albanians against Christians in the district of Skopia or Uskub (Sanjak in Vilayet Rumili) most emphatic words demanded that the same should explain what means it was inclined to use in order from now on to protect its Christian subjects from the iniquities of the Mohammedan mob. If the answer is unsatisfactory, Russia threatens armed intervention. The same Russian note is said to have made further demands "in favor of the Christian Raja", namely that the office of the ecumenical patriarch of the Greeks in Constantinople should no longer be conferred by the Porte, but made hereditary. (The English correspondent is not very satisfied with this request, as it is in the political interest of Russia.) So strict, it is added, is the tone adopted by Russian diplomacy in the current crisis that last Friday (March 22nd) the war brigade at the disposal of the Russian embassies was not allowed to salute the sultan, as usual, when he drove past the bowsprit of that ship on the way to the mosque in his State-Kaike* (* kaike = kayak, boat); it neither fired a shot nor manned its yards*. (* The yard is a part of the rigging of a sailing ship that carries the sails).

The Times then gives a letter from the Christian Bishop of Skopia to the Patriarch of Constantinople dated March 8, 1844, which he presented to the Porte, describing the atrocities committed by the Albanians in the Skopia district as follows:

The Albanians tie the men to stakes and desecrate their wives and daughters in front of their eyes. They hang the men by their feet and force their own wives to suffocate them with the smoke of a straw fire lit below them. Eighty-year-old women and ten-year-old girls are equally dishonored by them. They spear the boys and roast them like sheep by mocking: "In Schiwzi Pasha's time you don't roast the Bairam sheep for us to eat. That is your reward now - we roast you. Call your Schiwzi Pasha for help!"

In the district of Ghoca, the inhabitants of a village, old and young, 75 families, renounced their faith because they were no longer able to endure the indescribable sufferings and tortures inflicted on them by the wild, bloodthirsty and humane Albanians. Today 500 Christians from different villages appeared before me, their metropolitan. Some of them, which the brutes held over a fire, had been brought with difficulty on carts; others, mercilessly smashed, could hardly drag themselves away. In this lamentable state they raised their plaintive, pleading voices and said:

"We cannot return to our villages, we would rather be buried alive; what would we find there? We have neither cattle, nor food, nor children, nor honor. If we are not helped, we throw ourselves in the waters of the Vardar. And yet we have always been loyal and obedient subjects and have paid our poll tax regularly. "

The author concludes with some reflections on the long-suffering of the much-vaunted "modern state wisdom" which for the second time in this century has perpetrated such outrages on Christian brothers ... They talk elegantly about the "dark Middle Ages" but those dark times would not have tolerated it; for she had warm hearts - knight hearts for Christianity and for women's honor.

Source: Bayreuther Zeitung 1844, page 419.

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