
Showing posts with the label Immigration

Study from the 50's: Every Albanian family in Skopje has a migration background

The Macedonian newspaper Nova Makedonija with an article about the research of Dr. Jovan Trifunoski, who conducted research in Skopje and the surrounding area in the early 1950s (described in the text as Skopsko Pole = Skopje Valley). He came to the conclusion that there is not a single Albanian family in the valley that does not have a migration background. In short, the Albanians once immigrated to Macedonia. Trifunovski researched further and came to the conclusion that most Albanians even know where they came from, who their ancestors are who immigrated to Macedonia and even the migration routes, i.e. possible intermediate stops of the family before they finally reached Macedonia, could be reproduced by themselves. Today the Albanian doctrine and propaganda tries to give the Albanians an "autochthonous" status. With abbreviation theories that fabricate a direct descent from Illyrians and Dardans without solid academic foundations in order to assert claims in Macedonia, an

12th anual convention of Macedonian PO 1933 Detroit USA

12th Annual Convention of the MACEDONIAN POLITICAL ORGANIZATION of the United States and Canada. Detroit,Michigan,September 3-4-5 1933 From North,South,East and West Macedonians are coming to Detroit-by Rail,Boat,Bus and Automobile. Mr.Gel Alexandroff prefers airplane route.Here he starts to fly over Detroit.The sign on plane tells the story:INDEPENDENCE FOR MACEDONIA Assembled in the front od county building, many in costumes with banners and slogans,Sons and Daughters of Macedonia are ready to march. LONG LIVE INDEPENDENT MACEDONIA