'Alexander the Slav' by Universumskristall Blog

 We found an very interesting article published by a German speaking Polish Blog, named Universumskristall (Universe crystal). We thought, it is worth translating and of course for You, it is much worth to read it...

Alexander the Slav by Universumskristall Blog

Alexander the Great is an ancient ruler who we believe we have a thorough knowledge of.

Hardly anyone has exercised such a fascination on people as he and despite many reports and testimonies, one fact has not been sufficiently taken into account until today, namely that the people from which Alexander was descended actually had little to do with the Greeks.

Generations of historians tried to convince people that Alexander was a Greek. It was mentioned here and there that he was a Macedonian ruler, but Western historiography has always considered him and his people to be part of a Greek culture.

That is of course not true. The ancient Macedonians and Greeks share a common past, but at the time of Alexander the differences were already serious. First and foremost, despite the common roots, the language of the two peoples has developed completely in different directions.

Much of the Macedonian remains in its original state. They have not only preserved their own language, but also the original culture and, more importantly, political and economic organization. The Greeks underwent drastic changes, so that they not only developed a new language, but also a new culture, as well as new social structures. In the end these peoples became alien and the Greeks even referred to the Macedonians as barbarians.

Nonetheless, the Macedonian political and social system has proven to be very resilient and, despite Greek dominance, ultimately superior.

In the end, Macedonia was superior to all Greek states not only militarily but also economically.

So although we know a lot about Alexander and the Macedonian people, much remains unexplained to this day. One of the biggest mysteries is who the ancient Macedonians were actually.

In literature they are counted among all possible cultures. The western historians agreed on one thing, however, that they should by no means belong to the Slavs. They supposedly did not exist in Europe before the 6th century. Instead, the Germanic hordes populate Central and Western Europe in droves.

Since the genetic studies of human haplogroups in Europe, this notion has developed sensitive cracks. Suddenly it became clear to everyone that the distribution of haplogroups in Europe was by no means compatible with today's historiography. The clearly recorded alternative that the Slavs have decisively shaped the history and culture of Europe, the propagandists of Western European superiority do not want and are not allowed to accept. So it comes to an embarrassing situation that in all work in the field of historical human genetics, the Slavic population group was simply excluded in order not to expose the lies of the storytellers from "science".

Recently, I was able to deal a decisive blow to this building of lies in which I was able to prove that the Thracians, a people who had inhabited the Balkans since 2 millennium BC, spoke the Slavic language.

Due to similarities in cultural and social areas, one has to assume that the Thracians' southern neighbors, the Macedonians, were also Slavs.

As a result, the history of antiquity is wrong and it was not the Greeks who shaped it, but the Slavs.

But this also means that the greatest general in history, Alexander the Great, was a Slav.

Aside from such evidence as accounts of the customs and habits of the Macedonians, which are clearly of Slavic origin, there is of course other evidence to support this thesis. Let us start with the Alexander himself or with the name that these rulers bore.

The name Alexander was widespread among the rulers of Macedonia and seems to have a special meaning. The first traces of the name lead us to Troy or to the Hittites. This name was first mentioned in the so-called Alaksandu Treaty. That was the name of the ruler of the country Wilusa.

In my opinion, the name Alaksandu is not a personal name, but rather the designation of a function. So it is a title that can be compared with today's king or prince. This thesis is primarily supported by the fact that this name can be found among the rulers, and especially often among the Macedonian rulers.

In the ancient world, a ruler was primarily a guardian of law. The name of Priam also means “the righteous”.

In the Slavic pantheon, the deity Lada was associated with law and justice, which is why the name for ruler is Vladar in Slavic languages. It is a fusion of two words in which the first can only be recognized as the letter "V" or "W". We shall find what this word was among the Greeks. The Greeks did not have their own word for king and used their northern neighbors by borrowing the word "Wanax". This word originally meant a "priest" and was derived from the Slavic word "svećenik". We also find additional information for this in many Slavic languages, where the priest is also referred to as a prince. The current name for rulers among the Slavs, Wladar or Vladar, arose from the fusion of the two words. It basically means "priest of the deity Lada".

The situation with the name Alexander is exactly the same. Here the Greeks and the Hittites combined the name “Wanax of Lada” which was then changed to “Alexander”.

Of course, this is not the only linguistic reference to the Macedonians' Slavic root, and there is direct evidence as well. The basis for the direct proof is the decipherment of the text, which comes from the area of ancient Macedonia. This text can be found in the work of Peter A. Dimitrov (page 3).

https://www.bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/documenti/generale/1_DIMITROV.pdf (Link unfortunately down !!!)

It is a text from the city of Beroia in Macedonia from the early 3rd century BC.

This inscription reads:

Σαδαλας Nikαυδpoυ

Στpατωυ Σαδαλα

Φιλιστα Σαδαλα γoυη

and was translated by Dimitrov as:

 "Sadalas, son of Nicandros, Straton, the son of Sadalas, Philista, the wife of Sadalas".

Of course this is wrong because the language of the inscription is clearly Slavic. And because it comes from the dominion of the Macedonians, it clearly proves the Slavic descent of this people.

If you write this inscription with Latin letters, you get the following text.

Sadalas Nikavdroy

Stratwu sadala

filsta sadala goyi

At first glance this text is Slavic and it is embarrassing that Dimitrov "overlooked" it. Only on purpose can this Slavic text be presented as Greek.

First we just have to separate the words correctly and that is very easy because, in contrast to the other Thracian texts that I deciphered, the message here was not encrypted but only exchanged letters in two cases, which, however, resulted in errors when reading the text suggests and not the intent of the author. This open message simply shows the firm position of the Macedonians at the time when belonging to a Slavic people no longer meant a threat to the author, but vice versa, he could openly proclaim this message in his own language because he (or, in the case they) themselves formed the ruling class.

An adjusted text with correct separation of the words would look like this:

Σαδαλα ς Nikα υoδpυ

Στpατωυ Σαδαλα

Φιλιστα Σαδαλα oγυη

Latin script:

Sadala s Nika vodry

Stratwu sadala

filsta sadala ogyi

The word “sadala” is the feminine form of the verb, which means “zadała” in Polish and “to give” in German. But it is an old word that is only used by farmers and means to give out feed to the animals. It must be said that the process of feeding the farm animals has a religious context among the Slavs, which has been preserved in many customs to this day.

We find the word "s nika" in South Slavic languages. In the Serbo-Croatian language there is a word “su neki”. In Bosnian a word "nika". Both mean "something" in German.

The word "vodry" is almost identical to the Polish word "woda" or "voda" in other Slavic languages and means "water".

The word "Stratwu" is almost identical to the old Polish term for food or food, which is "strawa".

The word “filista” was probably misread or the first letter in the word. You had to read it as a Greek "ζ" and the word is then "zilista". We find the word, for example, in the Slovenian language as "zelišča", which means herbs. In Polish there is a word “zioła” with the same meaning.

The word "ogyi" is immediately recognizable to Slavs as the word used to describe fire. In the Slovenian language we find the word “ogenj” in Polish “ogień”.

Now we could translate the whole text and it reads:

I am offering some water

I gave food as a sacrifice

I sacrifice herbs to the fire.

Overall, we see that this text is a so-called votive offering on which the religious activities that took place during the offering are listed. This custom is very widespread among Slavs and the so-called votive tables are also donated to the Slavs today. (see image)

The sacrifices to Slavic gods came in the form of water, food and fire made from aromatic herbs. And in this form it was taken over from Christianity, with wine, bread and incense.

Why and why will I tell you on the other occasion.

SOURCE: universumskristall.blogspot.com - Polish Blog from a german speaker translated by Makedonien.mk

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