Macedonian Language was Studied in Bulgaria

Bulgaria's policy towards Macedonia makes the neighborhood virtually impossible despite the goodwill of the Macedonian side and individual Bulgarian public figures, according to a response by Macedonian organizations in Bulgaria on the latest provocation by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAN) against the Macedonian language.

Macedonian is an internationally recognized national and state language, accepted by all world science except Bulgarian, according to the reaction of Macedonian organizations in Bulgaria.

In the past, Bulgarian science also recognized the Macedonian language as a separate Slavic language. The Bulgarian state also recognized it. It should be recalled that the Macedonian language was studied in Bulgarian primary and secondary schools, as well as in universities, there was a Macedonian language program on the Bulgarian national radio.

Macedonian language is not an artificial political construct, but the Bulgarian denial of the Macedonian language is exactly that - an artificial and violently imposed lie through the means of the totalitarian state. Since the 1960s, the Bulgarian Communist Party has decided that a united "scientific" position should be built against the Macedonian nation, history and language. All Bulgarian scientists who recognized the Macedonian language were forced to retire (such as academician and professor Ivan Lekov) or were fired (such as Dina Stanisheva).

New scientists, raised in an infected totalitarian lab, have been lying to their own people for decades and do not tell him the simple facts that they are the only one in the world to deny the Macedonian language that in this respect Bulgarian "science" is completely isolated and alone. The Macedonian language is taught directly or as part of the Slavic languages ​​in all Slavic centers around the world. Except in Bulgaria.

The motive for denying the language is not scientific, but nationalist - the goal is to deny the existence of the Macedonian nation again, and from there the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria.

The rejection of the Macedonian nation, language, culture and the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria is the latest official totalitarian communist policy in the European Union in force today. This policy makes the neighborhood with Macedonia virtually impossible, despite the goodwill of the Macedonian side and individual Bulgarian public figures.

This policy has no chance of success and no future. It may be able to deceive the Bulgarian people temporarily, but it cannot mislead the world. The only outcome can be only deeper hatred between two otherwise close nations, nations that should and could be friends. If this have not been for Bulgarian politics, "reads the reaction signed by OMO Ilinden-Pirin, Association of Repressed Macedonians in the Republic of Bulgaria by Communist Terror, OMO Ilinden, Tolerance Human Rights Committee, the People's Will newspaper and the bulletin "Macedonian Glass".

SOURCE: Mactel

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