Macedonia invaded by Albanians - January, 1904
Macedonia invaded by Albanians
Rising Endangers the Reform Scheme of Powers.
VIENNA, Jan. 11.— According to a dispatch from Sarajevo, Bosnia, to the Neue Freie Presse 4000 Albanians have crossed the road between Prizren, eighty-eight miles from Monastir, Macedonia, and Scutari, capital of the vilayet, of the same name, their Intention being to oppose the new gendarmerie organized under the Austro-Russian reform scheme. The situation in the Near East is causing increasing uneasiness. In addition to the Albanian movements in opposition to the new international gendarmerie in Macedonia, a dispatch from Cetinje says that the Government of Montenegro has decided to take steps for the immediate expulsion of all Albanians. According to an unconfirmed report from Uskub the Servian deputy, Wassijl, was shot by Albanians at the Detchani monastery. It was expected that he would succeed the late Monsignor Firmllian. Bishop of Uskub.
ROME. Jan. 11.— Boris Sarafoff. the Macedonian revolutionary leader, whose arrival in Rome the press here erroneously announced on the 3d inst., reached here last night. One of the chief objects of Sarafoff coming to Italy is to induce General Riccioti Garibaldi to lead an expedition having for its object the liberation of Macedonia from Turkish rule, similar to the expedition which Garibaldi headed at the time of the Graeco-Turkish war. Sarafoff had Interviews to-day with the leaders and supporters of the Macedonian cause here. He said he wished to inform the Italian Government that Macedonia was not satisfied with the Austro-Russian action and that a new revolution would break out next spring: if all the powers who signed the treaty of Berlin did not Intervene and cause the granting of autonomy to Macedonia.
In an interview to-day Sarafoff declared the s revolutionists were ready for any step and prepared to go to any extremity. He said that one of the objects of his visit to Rome was to learn what support the Vatican authorities would and could give his followers in Macedonia. The orthodox Christians of the Greek church in Macedonia, he said, were even prepared to go to the length of leaving that church and joining the Roman communion, which, he declared, the late Pope Leo most anxiously desired." Sarafoff is being closely watched by the Italian police.
Source: San Francisco Call, Volume 95, Number 43, 12 January 1904 - MACEDONIA INVADED BY ALBANIANS