'Alexander the Slav' by Universumskristall Blog
We found an very interesting article published by a German speaking Polish Blog, named Universumskristall ( Universe crystal ). We thought, it is worth translating and of course for You, it is much worth to read it... Alexander the Slav by Universumskristall Blog Alexander the Great is an ancient ruler who we believe we have a thorough knowledge of. Hardly anyone has exercised such a fascination on people as he and despite many reports and testimonies, one fact has not been sufficiently taken into account until today, namely that the people from which Alexander was descended actually had little to do with the Greeks. Generations of historians tried to convince people that Alexander was a Greek. It was mentioned here and there that he was a Macedonian ruler, but Western historiography has always considered him and his people to be part of a Greek culture. That is of course not true. The ancient Macedonians and Greeks share a common past, but at the time of Alexander the difference...