E-Book: Alexander the Great - Historical Sources in Translation

Waldemar Heckel, J. C. Yardley, Wiley, Jan 9, 2004

Waldemar Heckel is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Calgary. He was a founding editor of the Ancient History Bulletin and is the author of numerous books and articles, including The Last Days and Testament of Alexander the Great (1988), The Marshals of Alexander’s Empire (1992), and The Wars of Alexander the Great (2002).

J. C. Yardley is Professor of Classics at the University of Ottawa and a past President of the Classical Association of Canada. His publications include translations of Quintus Curtius’ History of Alexander, Livy 31–40, and Justin’s Epitome of Trogus. His latest work is Justin and Pompeius Trogus (2003).

It is clear from the extant Alexander historians that the lost sources made a clear distinction between Greeks and Macedonians – ethnically, culturally, and linguistically – and this must be an accurate reflection of contemporary attitudes. Alexander himself appears to have appreciated Greek culture and to have been conscious of Macedonian cultural inferiority...

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