'Macedonia is exclusively Greek' is a historically incorrect argument

 In a PDF attachment from the German Friedrich-Ebert Foundation we find, let's say, a document in German language by Greek professor Vassiliki Georgiadou entitled "The transition of Greece from dictatorship to democracy Superficial coming to terms with the past and resistance to modernization" (original title: Der Übergang Griechenlands von der Diktatur zur Demokratie. Oberflächliche Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung und Modernisieungswiderstände).

Briefly about the author

Vassiliki Georgiadou is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Institute for Political Science and History at Panteion University in Athens, capital of Greece. She studied political science in Athens (Panteion University), politics and political sociology in Münster (Germany). She also received her doctorate from the University of Münster.

...historically incorrect argument that Macedonia is exclusively Greek...

On page 10 of the document you can find and read an almost unbelievable statement, if you consider that it is a Greek professor who wrote it. She says that the "Greek mass uprising" against the name of the Republic of Macedonia was fueled "with the historically incorrect argument that Macedonia is exclusively Greek territory".

Read the relevant section for yourself, page 10 - paragraph "Regime change: on the spot and continuously":


Nationalistische Ideologien kamen während der ‘90er Jahre wieder an die Oberfläche. Der Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus und die Neuordnungen im Balkanraum haben kulturelle Unsicherheiten und nationale Ängste verstärkt. Ein Teil der politischen Elite, der Parteien, der Wähler des linken und des rechten Spectrums und auch die orthodoxe Kirche fühlten sich mit dem ethno-kommunistischen Regime von Slobodan Milosevic und dem christilich-orthodoxen Serbien solidarisch. Das gleiche Bündnis hatte einen Massenaufstand gegen die Anerkennung eines kleinen Staates des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens mit dem Name “Mazedonien” von Zaum gebrochen, mit der historisch falschen Begründung, Mazedonien sei ausschließlich griechischer Raum und deshalb der Name “Mazedonien” nur von Griechen und Griechenland benutzt werden dürfte.

English translation:

Nationalist ideologies resurfaced during the 1990s. The collapse of communism and the reorganization in the Balkans have increased cultural insecurities and national fears. Part of the political elite, the parties, the voters of the left and the right spectrum and also the Orthodox Church felt solidarity with the ethno-communist regime of Slobodan Milosevic and the Christian-Orthodox Serbia. The same alliance had broken a mass uprising against the recognition of a small state of the former Yugoslavia with the name “Macedonia”, with the historically incorrect argument that Macedonia is exclusively Greek and therefore the name “Macedonia” should only be used by Greeks and Greece.

Cited literature: Der Übergang Griechenlands von der Diktatur zur Demokratie. Oberflächliche Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung und Modernisieungswiderstände LINK - PDF

Picture: From our archive, not related to the autor's paper/work.

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