
Yugoslavia and Macedonia as victors in World War II

  Macedonian historians on the course and results of the war Generally little is known in the West about Yugoslavia during World War II, and next to nothing about Macedonia. In this respect, hopes for a certain “aha effect” when it publishes several translations from a lengthy documentation that the Skopjе daily newspaper “Utrinski vesnik” published as a supplement to its weekend edition of May 7th and 8th, 2005. It is about two aspects:  First, about the "tough nut" Yugoslavia, which was apparently easily "cracked" by German, Italian, Hungarian and Bulgarian troops in April 1941, but which afterwards proved to be almost insurmountable thanks to the partisan struggle under Marshal Tito.  And secondly: In the course of this struggle, the oldest cultural nation of the Slavs, the Macedonians - who gave the world the Slavic cultural donors Cyrill and Method, Clement and Naum etc. - after centuries of occupation by Byzantium, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, Serbia

For the Greeks, Macedo was a derogatory name

  The work "Friedrich August Wolf's Lectures on Ancient Studies, Volume Four", published in 1835, is the subject of our short article today. Friedrich August Christian Wilhelm Wolf, as he was known in full, was a German classical philologist and scholar of antiquity. He is considered the founder of classical and modern philology. The following is a quote from page 28 (translated): Macedonians should not be considered Greeks; the ancients did not count them among them and called them barbarians; in fact, Macedo was a derogatory name . They differed from the Greeks in their customs and had many barbaric characteristics long after the Greeks were already civilized. The first time we see Macedonia shine is in the time of Archelaus in Socrates. He had a court where Greek culture prevailed and a lot of young people around him. There was no culture in the country itself; this was only achieved in Philip's time. The Greeks did not easily count among themselves peoples who had

The Peoples of Europe in Linguistic Classification - 1925

 Again we have a nice map relevant to Macedonia. This German map dates from 1925.  The title of the map, of course, immediately reveals what the map is supposed to represent: The peoples of Europe in linguistic structure (Die Völker Europas in sprachlicher Gliederung). The map was designed by Prof. Dr. Arthur Haberlandt. It was drawn by E. Monzert. The map was published by Strecker and Schröder in Stuttgart.  The map is part of the "Illustrierte Völkerkunde" (Illustrated Ethnology, second volume) published in 1926. Publisher was the physician, ethnologist and ethnographer Dr. Georg Buschan. On this map we see the peoples of Europe listed, as well as their languages they used to speak. The authors make a rough grouping based on the language families. See the following image, which shows the Balkans as well as the description for the languages. There we can see that Macedonia is marked in the Slavic-speaking area. And also that the area is marked with the number 67. The legend,

Hellenism owes its renaissance to a non-Greek!

 In the ongoing debate about whether the ancient Macedonians or Alexander the Great were Greeks, we would like to recall the Lexicon of Lost Peoples. There we find a concrete reference to this question. But first, let's look at a short bio about the author of the work. About Harald Haarmann Harald Haarmann (born April 16, 1946 in Braunschweig) is a German linguist, cultural scientist and author. He studied general linguistics, various individual philological disciplines and prehistory at the universities of Hamburg, Bonn, Coimbra and Bangor. Haarmann received his doctorate from the University of Bonn in 1970 and completed his habilitation at the University of Trier in 1979. He has taught and researched at various German and Japanese universities and is a member of the research team at the Research Centre on Multilingualism (Brussels). Since 2003 he has been Vice President of the Institute of Archaeomythology (headquarters in Sebastopol (California), USA) and Director of its Europea

First Neolithic settlements in Europe were located in Macedonia

 The first Neolithic settlements in Europe were located in the area of ​​geographical Macedonia, that is the conclusion of the authors Naumov from the Goce Delčev University in Štip and Agathe Reingruber from the Free University of Berlin in a new scientific work. The earliest appearance of Neolithic settlements in Europe takes place in geographical Macedonia, as pointed out in the scientific work “ Dating the Early Neolithic in Pelagonia: closing a chronological gap in Balkan prehistory ” by authors Goce Naumov and Agathe Reingruber. The research was recently published in the prestigious world journal of archaeology "Documenta Praehistorica" ​​(link at the end of the article). It is based on long-term field research by the Center for Prehistoric Research (CIP) in Pelagonia, which culminated in chronological modeling of the resulting data at the Einstein Center in Berlin. "This work sublimates the knowledge on the dating of the Neolithic mounds in Pelagonia, obtained thr

Origin and Ethnicity of Tsar Samuel

  Excerpt and english translation of  a part of  "Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates": Nothing definite is known about the early history of the Cometopuli. The contemporary Armenian historian Stephen of Taron (Asolik), trans. Gelzer and Burckhardt (1907), 185 f., says that they were of Armenian descent. In spite of N. Adontz, 'Samuel l'Armenien' 3 ff., it remains doubtful how much weight can be given to the statement of this Armenian historian whose information on Samuel is full of obvious errors. N. P. Blegmv, 'Bratjata David, Moisej, Aaron i Samuil' (The brothers David, Moses, Aaron and Samuel), Godisnik na Sofijsk. Univ., Jurid. Fak. 37, 14 (1941-2), 28 ff., considers that Count Nicholas was a descendant of the proto-Bulgar Asparuch, and his wife Ripsimia, the mother of the Cometopuli, a daughter of the czar Symeon, which is entirely without foundation. His 'Teorijata za Zapadno bulgarsko carstvo' (Theories on the West Bulgarian Empire), ibid

The Macedonians in German Atlas from 1926

  In his work on the peoples of Europe by the German ethnologist Dr. Richard Karutz, published in 1926, the Macedonians were already listed as an independent people alongside Greeks, Bulgarians and Serbs. Let's take a look in his work. Richard Karutz (born November 2, 1867 in Stralsund, Germany; died February 10, 1945 in Dresden) was a German ENT doctor and ethnologist. Peter Staudenmeier classifies him as a " leading anthroposophical author on questions of races " with openly anti-Semitic writings, according to Wikipedia as an introduction. He discovered his interest in ethnology on his trips abroad as a ship's doctor, and in Lübeck he began to study ethnology. As a military doctor, Karutz experienced military service in the First World War. In 1920, after the war, he met Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy (science for understanding nature, spirit and human development). He turned to his teaching and tried to use his ethnological work anthroposophically wit